What’s New in Cognos Analytics 11.2.0

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In this on-demand webinar, we unwrap 11.2.0 with Cognos Principal Offering Manager, Rachel Su. Rachel demos the UX revamp and many other key improvements including

  • Dashboard performance Improvements
  • New home page customizations and onboarding experience
  • Improved search functions
  • Enhancements to AI assisted data exploration
  • Natural language generation
  • Natural language questions
  • New automated statistical forecasts



Rachel Su
Cognos Analytics Offering Management Leader

Rachel has over 11 years of experience in different areas of Cognos. Her area of focus is Cognos Analytics reporting. She is passionate about analyzing the market landscape, as well as transforming and modernizing business intelligence. We appreciate her proven track record of delivering advanced product features.

Questions log

Q: When will Cognos Analytics 11.2.0 be available for download?
A: IBM is putting the final touches on it. It will be available early May, 2021.

Q: Will PowerPlay Studio be reshaped in Cognos Analytics 11.2.0?
A: Powerplay Studio is being maintained. IBM performs regular conformance updates, but no new features are going into the component.

Q: What is the end-of-life of Cognos Analytics 11.1.7?
A: 11.1.7 is a long-term support release. That means IBM will continue to support it 100% including fix packs for a total of two years, about 1.5 years remain.

Q: Are there any plans to add a racing bar chart to the visualizations in Cognos Analytics 11.2.0?
A: There are no plans currently; however, this is something that could be supported using a custom visualization.

Q: Can Cognos Analytics 11.2.0 write back to Planning Analytics or other software?
A: Unfortunately, it cannot.

Q: With the user interface change in Cognos Analytics 11.2.0, I was wondering if the Team Content view can be set as the default view?
A: Cognos will remember the last tab users were on. So, if users were on Team Content, then the next time they use Cognos, that’s the tab they will see. We think your users will find the new UI very straightforward.

Q: In the Recent tab, does it show recently accessed packages or data modules in Cognos Analytics 11.2.0?
A: Yes, it does.

Q: Cognos Analytics 12.2.0 seems good for developers, but 95% of our users just need to access their reports and cubes. Can quick launch be configured by a role?
A: Yes, you have two options. Quick launch can be customized by creating custom tabs that point to folders. In addition, you can also add a Custom Folder which is by role.

Q: Does the new Cognos Analytics 11.2.0 UI have an alert banner?
A: Yes, alert banners are the same as 11.1.

Q: Is it possible to see the report description in a Recent View in Cognos Analytics 11.2.0?
A: Yes, if you are using Tile View.

Q: Are PDF outputs supported for map visualizations?
A: It is not currently but this is on our roadmap to implement.

Q: Where is the Search bar on the home page on Cognos Analytics 11.2.0?
A: It’s in the dark banner at the top on every page, except the home page.

Q: When we upgrade to 11.2.0, what will happen to the existing navigation bar custom folders, security and customizations?
A: They will all continue to work.  Some customizations will appear in a slightly different place, due to the UI changes we made, but they will all be carried forward.

Q: In the Cognos Analytics 11.2.0 content pane, can I view multiple reports in ascending or descending order?
A: Yes, you can control the sort order.

Q: Can we custom sort reports in Cognos Analytics 11.2.0?
A: No, but IBM is looking into it.

Q: Can we create our own tabs in the Cognos Analytics 11.2.0 user interface, like in Cognos BI 10?
A: Yes.  These tabs can either point to a folder or they can contain custom HTML.

Q: Since the delete and cancel buttons are side-by-side, we occasionally click delete by accident. Is there a recent deleted objects button in Cognos Analytics 11.2.0?
A: No; however, when you click delete, there is a confirmation pop-up you must confirm before it is deleted.

Q: We are in the process of upgrading from Cognos BI 10.2.2 to Cognos Analytics 11.1.7 LTSR. Is there a compelling reason to go to 11.2.0 instead?
A: Going with the LTSR is a good choice, but IBM recommends you update to 1.2.0 because of the nicer UI, better performance and other new features.

Q: Are Query Studio and Event Studio still available in Cognos Analytics 11.2.0?
A: Yes, no change here.

Q: Are there any single sign on changes with Cognos Analytics 11.2.0? It is a challenge in Cognos Analytics 11.x compared to single sign with Cognos BI 10.x.
A: IBM didn’t do anything specific for single sign on for 11.2.0. However, IBM would like to hear the specific challenges you are having with 11.x.

Q: Does the search feature take security of objects into account?
A: Yes, it does take security into account.  Security is of the utmost importance to IBM.

Q: Is it possible to narrow a search in Cognos Analytics 11.2.0?
A: Yes, you can filter the search by date, asset type and keywords.

Q: Have there been updates to pinning in Cognos Analytics 11.2.0? We noticed the backend data changes the pinned content on a mobile device when compared to desktop.
A: Desktop pins and mobile pins are not the same thing. IBM plans to integrate them in a future release.

Q: Are there any improvements or plans to use MHT Active Reports format in Cognos Analytics 11.2.0?
A: Yes. IBM is working on a lightweight desktop app that will allow you to continue to use and interact with your active reports offline. You can contact rachel.su@ca.ibm.com if you’d like to get your own active reports tested. They plan to have a beta version to select customers in May.

Q: Are there enhancements to Dynamic Cubes and PowerPlay Cubes in Cognos Analytics 11.2.0?
A: Both, and TM1 cubes as well.

Q: Will the Watson moments be available on-premise in Cognos Analytics 11.2.0? If so, will this be included in the Analytics user license?
A: Yes, it’s available to all.

Q: Which languages are supported by Watson Insights in Cognos Analytics 11.2.0?
A: English only for now.

Q: Can dashboards in Cognos Analytics 11.2.0 be scheduled to refresh and email in other formats?
A: Dashboards always query live data, and you can set any widget to automatically refresh at a chosen interval. You can share annotated screenshots via Slack or email, and you can create PDFs.

Q: When can we expect the Watson studio integration for on-premise?
A: For on-prem, IBM supports this integration through CPD cartridge.

Q: Does Cognos Analytics 11.2.0 support Edge Chromium?
A: Yes.

Q: Are there alternatives for opening Active Reports MHT in edge?
A: Unfortunately, Microsoft didn’t want to support MHT with Chromium Edge. This is out of IBM’s control.

Q: What happens to Query Studio and Event Studio in Cognos Analytics 11.2.0?
A: We do not plan to provide conformance updates for Query Studio. IE is no longer supported, so you’ll want to use Firefox. IBM is evaluating Event Studio support in Chrome for 11.2.1.

Q: With no support for IE11, how will the legacy studios work? In 11.1.7, I have to use IE11 to edit queries since there is no edit option when using Edge.
A: For Query Studio and Analysis Studio, Firefox is the only browser you can use to access them in 11.2.0. IBM has no plans to provide conformance updates for QS and AS.

Q: Can I create a custom tooltip to show charts in a tooltip in Cognos Analytics 11.2.0?
A: No, unfortunately, this feature is not currently available.

Q: We had extensive use of and time investment in ESRI maps for Cognos which stalled our adoption of Cognos Analytics. Are there plans to bring back support for ESRI maps?
A: ESRI deprecated the connector. We have been relying on partners to develop and maintain ESRI integration with Cognos. Cognos also has out of the box mapping capabilities through MapBox.

Q: Is it possible to schedule on dashboards to share via email in Cognos Analytics 11.2.0?
A: No, scheduling on dashboards is not an option at this time.

Q: How to I pass a parameter for a filter to the embedded dashboard from another portal in Cognos Analytics 11.2.0?
A: This is not available today but it’s on the IBM short-term roadmap.

Q: When will the long-term support for Cognos Analytics 11.2.x be available?
A: IBM has not identified that yet.

Q: Is Cognos Analytics 11.0.13 still in LTS?
A:  Yes, for the 11.0.x stream.

Q: Are there any version control features in Cognos Analytics 11.2.0?
A: This is not on IBM’s roadmap. Instead, they have partner solutions for this.

Q: Can we search the metadata organized by namespace/folder while developing the report in Cognos Analytics 11.2.0?
A: Search is available for the metadata tree in Framework Manager packages.

Q: Are there any changes to Cognos Administration in Cognos Analytics 11.2.0?
A: No. You can access it through the hamburger menu item Manage.

Q: Is conditional palette possible with column visualizations in Cognos Analytics 11.2.0? It used to be available in legacy charts.
A: This is not available, but it remains a high priority for IBM.

Q: When can we expect updates to the new data tables, such as the option to combine several aggregation methods within one data table (sum, average, etc), or advanced sorting options in Cognos Analytics 11.2.0?
A: These are all part of the next phase of data table, scheduled for later in 2021.

Q: Are there any differences in the on-prem vs. cloud version of Cognos Analytics 11.2.0?
A: There are a few differences. Read about them in this IBM document: https://www.ibm.com/docs/en/cognos-analytics/11.1.0?topic=started-cognos-analytics-offerings#concept_kkd_vbd_g4b__l_11.

Q: When we upgrade to Cognos Analytics 11.2.0, is it just an upgrade or a completely new install?
A: You can install it over the top as an upgrade, no need for a completely new install.

Q: Is Cognos Analytics 11.2.0 an in-place upgrade?
A: Yes. You can still do an in-place upgrade.

Q: Are there any changes to the Admin console in Cognos Analytics 11.2.0?
A: None in this release.

Q: Will the current visualizations eventually support master/detail relationships in reporting with Cognos Analytics 11.2.0?
A: Yes. it is on the IBM near roadmap to be completed in 2021.

Q: Cognos Analytics has a Workspace component which uses a widget to display folder content in clickable links. Can this be replicated in a report?
A: This is not currently available.

Q: Has Motio CI been integrated with Cognos Analytics 11.2.0?
A: Unfortunately, we aren’t able to answer that, you’ll need to contact Motio support for the answer.

Q: Dashboarding allows repeating a visualization by row/column; reporting does not. Is there an update for this included in Cognos Analytics 11.2.0?
A: No, this is planned for a future release.

Q: Are there any improvements for maps in Cognos Analytics 11.2.0?
A: IBM is in the middle of updating polygons and a few other features to be completed by the end of 2021.

Q: How do we integrate with ArcGIS?
A: IBM relies on its partners to provide ArcGIS integration.

Q: Would you consider an upgrade from Cognos Analytics 11.0.13 FP3 to Cognos Analytics 11.2.0 a major jump that would require full regression testing?
A: You can definitely upgrade directly from 11.0.13 to 11.2. However, we still recommend testing.

Q: Is role-base customization available on the home page (dashboard, report), folder and features in Cognos Analytics 11.2.0?
A: Yes.

Q: Can we add our own tabs on the home page in Cognos Analytics 11.2.0 that is a shortcut of a dashboard or folders?
A: Yes.

Q: Are there any change for security in Cognos Analytics 11.2.0?
A: No changes.

Q: Will Workspace still be supported in Cognos Analytics 11.2.0?
A: It is a deprecated studio IBM no longer supports.

Q: When would the cloud version of Cognos Analytics 11.2.0 be updated?
A: The same timeline as the on-prem release, May 2021.

Q: We are using Cognos Analytics 11.1.4. When will that go out of support? Can we upgrade directly to Cognos Analytics 11.2.0 from it?
A: Yes, you can upgrade directly. We recommend you upgrade to at least 11.1.7 which is the long-term support release.

Q: I am on Cognos Analytics 11.0.2. Can I skip all the 11.1 upgrades and directly to Cognos Analytics 11.2.0?
A: Yes, you can.

Q: Are there other browsers that support Event Studio?
A: IBM is evaluating Chrome to support Event Studio.

Q: What is the status for a conversion tool for Query Studio reports in Cognos Analytics 11.2.0?
A: IBM is currently working this out.

Q: Will Cognos Analytics 11.2.0 work with Transformer using SQL?
A: Yes, there is no change to Transformer.

Q: Will we be able to maintain the existing extension customization look and feel regarding navigation and application bars in Cognos Analytics 11.2.0?
A: Yes. They will all be supported.

Q: What is plan for Edge support with Cognos Analytics 11.2.0?
A: Legacy Edge will not be supported, but Chromium Edge is.

Q: Will existing SDK still be supported in Cognos Analytics 11.2.0?
A: Yes.

Q: Are there any changes on data sources CQM and DQM in Cognos Analytics 11.2.0?
A: No change.

Q: I see mostly look and feel changes in Cognos Analytics 11.2.0. Are there any performance improvements on reports performances?
A:  Report performance is being looked at for a future release. Dashboard performance is the focus for 11.2.0.

Q: I’m hoping this is recorded. Can I replay it later?
A: Absolutely. You can view it on-demand and download the deck at: https://senturus.demo.techyscouts.dev/resources/whats-new-in-cognos-analytics/.

Q: We’re splitting two environments and are finding a migration to Cognos Analytics challenging; do you offer assistance with migrations?
A: Yes, we help clients all the time. Learn more about our Cognos migration services at: https://senturus.demo.techyscouts.dev/analytics-platform-migrations/.

Machine transcript

Welcome to the latest installment of the Senturus’s Knowledge series. Today, we’re pleased to be presenting to you on the topic of Cognos 11.2.0, a new features explanation and demonstration.

Before we get into the presentation, a couple of housekeeping items.

Please feel free to use the GoToWebinar control panel to make this session interactive. You can advance the slide, Rachel. There you go.

While we mute everyone’s mic out of courtesy to our presenter, we encourage you to enter questions through the question panel, as you can see there.

We do try to answer as many questions as we can during the webinar, but, webinars like this, where we have a lot of attendees and a lot of questions, we’re not always able to cover that.

If we can’t, we will provide a posted response document after the webinar.

Which, if we go to the next slide.

Juxtaposes nicely with the question of how can I get a copy of the presentation, where can I get a copy of the presentation? And the answer is, absolutely. It’s available on right now on senturus.com

You can select the Resources tab and then go to the Resources library.

Or you can click on the link that’s been provided in the chat window with the GoToWebinar control panel.

While you’re over there, make sure you bookmark that site as it has tons of valuable content addressing a wide variety of business analytics topics.

Our agenda today we’ll do some quick introductions and then I’ll hand the floor over to our presenter to discuss what’s new in Cognos 11.2.

Then, at the end, make sure you stick around for a quick overview of Senturus, for those of you who may not be familiar with what we do, learn about some additional free resources and the aforementioned Q&A So, by way of introduction, I’m pleased to be joined today by Rachel Su, Cognos Analytics Offering Management Leader at IBM, who has over 11 years of experience in different areas of Cognos.

Her area of focus is Cognos Analytics reporting, and she is passionate about analyzing the market landscape, as well as transforming and modernizing business intelligence. We appreciate her proven track record of delivering advanced product features.

My name is Michael Weinhauer, I am a Director here at Senturus, and, among my various roles, I have the pleasure of hosting our Knowledge Series events.

So, before we get into the presentation itself, we always have a couple have a poll or two and today is no exception.

So, we’d like to get a handle on what version of Cognos or you are using? So, just select one of these pretty straightforward questions. You have something older than Cognos 10. Are you still on C10?

Are you on 11.0, or 11 want?

We’ll give you a minute or so to answer that, and then we’ll share the information back with you.

Quick. This is an easy question.

Three quarters of you with your answers in here, so go ahead and get those answers in.

You can see that the vast majority on, nearly three quarters, are, on some version of Cognitive 11.1, Another 20% on 11 good to see. There’s nobody pre-Cognos 10, but there’s still 10% out there still sitting on Cognos BI.

Old guard, late adopters. Then, the next slide, the next poll I’m going to launch here is, what are your biggest challenges that you are running into with Cognos? And this is a multiple choice.

You can select all that apply. So, is it the enabling or the adoption of self-service?

and we realize that that’s not necessarily just a technology question.

Is a performance or report sprawl or general clean-up?

We all know that does Cognos environments, packages, and reports, and everything can get really big and cluttered after a while.

Is it moving from on prem to the cloud, or, or a hybrid, environment?

Is it running hybrid environments and the challenges that those introduce and, or, licensing, right sizing or licensing to match your current views?

So, please get your answers in there.

Two thirds of you with your votes in.

It’s when it takes a little more thought, So

Give me just a few more seconds here.

All right, I’m going to go ahead and close this out and share it back.

So, adoption of self-service and performance for all general clean-up that’s not too surprising to see, you know, performance and whatnot being a top one and the adoption of self-service easier said than done.

So, not too surprising there and then the other three quarters of running.

pretty distant, third, fourth, and fifth, as it were interesting, right, Well, thank you. That’s always great to get a finger on the pulse of our audience.

Thanks for sharing your input and insights and with that, I’m going to hand the floor over to Rachel. For the main part of the presentation. Go ahead, Rachel. Take it away.

Thank you, Mike. Hello everyone, this is Rachel. I’m so happy that I get to have this chance to speak with you today, spend the next hour or so around Cognos Analytics to introduce all the new features so, that’s coming with the next version of Cognos Analytics, which is going to be, 11.2.0 and before I start, I’m just going to recap what’s the most recent current version of Cognos?

On the market today, which is 11.1.7 that is the last release of the 11.1 stream, 11.1.7 is the long-term support release, which means there will be no more releases, including few features coming after 11.1.7 within the 11.1 stream. We continue to put out defect fixes, some fixed packs of fixed back to, was released. Last year, and fixed packed three, is expected, sometimes, in Q2 202, will be after the release of 11.2.0.

The next one that’s coming out, which is Cognos Analytics 1.2.0, is currently targeted for the end of April or early May. We don’t have the exact date, but the release is ready. We’re just doing some very final touch ups. So, we’re very close to it. And today, I’m going to tell, talk about all the new features.

That’s going to be part of the element .2.0 stream for, 11.2.0

The biggest change you will see is our home screen homepage Content Navigation Cognos Default portal UI Revamped.

Now, some of you may say, OK, the UI, again, I don’t care, but it’s not just a UI, and not just color pictures, but also, we’ve done a lot of improvements around navigating the portal, finding your content, discovery or content, organizing your content, everything around customization of your home page, based on a lot of customer feedback.

And this is just a quick highlight of the list of things that we’ve done. You can already see, we have made improvements and implemented new features in many, many different areas. Almost all areas of the product.

So, let’s start with looking at the homepage. I’m going to flip to my browser and show you this in the product. This is the section where I’m going to do live demo, and I’ll flip back to my slide deck to go through some other features. And, please, Mike and Andrea, let me know if you don’t see my browser and if I don’t hear anyone yelling at me, I’m going to continue.

Perfect, Thank you.

This is the newly designed home screen of Cognos Analytics. This is a default homepage you will see when you install Cognos without any customization. We have adopted IBM carbon design system, which is the standard design system across all IBM strategic products. So, if you have other IBM products, you will probably see some similarity familiarity here.

And this is the newest design cutting-edge. It is very sharp and clean.

I personally love the colors and fonts that’s chosen. And a lot of the choices around icons, even with more colors, we’ve carefully exempt every single item even to make sure they represent the right information to the user that’s meaningful.

So let’s take a look at this home screen.

First of all, at the top, this is the banner that can be customized. You can change the picture, of course. you can change the text here. You can change the logo; we can customize it any way you want to make it look like your own organization’s portal. You can come here and watch some of the videos to understand how to use the new portal, what are some of the new features getting started in Cognos? 11.2? These are newly made videos. Taking a product to is available if you’re using a cloud environment.

And this top banner can’t be closed off, so, if you just click this close sign, it’s going to go away.

And we will remember that you don’t want to see it, so next time when you access this same environment, your browser, it’s going to be disabled, because you’ve already made that option, You can bring it back from the user’s profile settings to bring back to welcome Banner.

The next section, this is your single click, Quick Access to some of the important components or things that you may want to have to do.

This is presented here, aspic tiles based on your capabilities.

So, if you don’t have the capability, you’re not given access to upload data, would prepare data, which is using data mode, you were doing data exploration. You will not see any of these.

All right? You will see whatever you have, you’re given access to.

And, again, this can be minimized as well.

So, if you’re looking at Disable D, welcome vendor and minimize quick lunch, now, you’re really looking at your home screen. It’s this section where you can focus on a lot of other things.

Now, Getting Started Tab will allow you to browse all of our stem post-test installed with Cognos 11.2.0.

We have how to videos, you can watch and we have created new videos for a lot of different areas of the product, Accelerators, catalogue. You can access that link directly here, which contains a lot of good samples. Anywhere, range from custom visualizations to custom control Java scripts for reporting or extensions for the portal, extensions, for dashboards, such as our what if analysis widget through extensions.

Simple dashboards. You can take a look at our design ideas, get some design ideas of some interesting ideas about the dashboard design or some of the new sample reports, or host it there, as well.

There are many different types of artifacts that best practices are hosted at Accelerators Catalog and that link can be now found directly on your homepage. And learning Resources, the learn pain that we introduced to the product in a lot of .1.6 version, can be accessed here. And this is where, if you want to get information, how to information, you can find them here with search, around the, throughout the Internet, Knowledge Centre documentation. A community, LINCS YouTube videos, we have them all search here and present here. It’s contextual. So, if you are right now on my home screen. So we’re giving you high level of telling you about inter phase, how to get started, dashboard reports, and all that thing.

But, if you are currently instead of a dashboard, what instead of reporting interface will, will show you the information that’s relevant to where you are.

Now, the second tab is recent. This is, what are some of the app objects that you’ve recently accessed? And you have to tell me a word the List View. I’m going to go into that a bit more, just in a bit. So, this these tabs, we will remember where you are. So, if you have navigated away from this screen, I’m coming back year later. We will know where you are. And it’s still presents you where you are.

This is customizable. You can add your own custom taps. You can add a lot of different tabs to give user very quick access, direct access to different folders, or to a report, to a dashboard.

It’s, it’s a way for you to customize navigation, if you want to say, navigation on directly on the homepage, on your portal.

Now, in the previous releases, you would have remembered on the left-hand side, you’ve got a vertical context menu bar, the top bar, what we call this Application bar. On the left-hand side is the navigation bar. And that bar state there to show you where you’re my folders. Team folders, which so public folder, public content, and manage area, we’re creating new assets. So, we’ve taken that away with given that space to you to really allow you to have a full screen view of your homepage. And we’re not injecting any extra things.

But that can all be that’s all accessible from the left-hand side, left top, this is what we call a hub, clear menu, the 3 or 4 horizontal lines, we click on that.

All that thinks is there, where you can access your upload at files.

You can create different things like this is where you would access dashboard reports stories.

I know there’s Quick Access, but you can still access them all here, other applications, jobs.

And Your Manage is, is right here, right, and you’re recent Access information are still available over here and you can choose delete or you can come back to this homepage.

So, what’s more important, the most important part I want to introduce you to is this new way of navigating your content. So, when you click on content, we’re going to bring you to a full screen, allowing you to have the most room space available to navigate your content. And there’s my content team content samples. And you can add other things here. You can still access uploaded files. You can create new, new things here.

So, we’re giving you the full space, because a lot of customers, they may have hundreds of folders, tens of thousands, millions of reports, and their folders, over 10 levels deep. So, it was, it could be difficult if you’re using the current design, which is in the pain, a panel to navigate your content. Whereas, now you will have all the room you have available for my content. You can access team content in full screen.

And, not only that, we are providing you with the ability to access list view.

So, in this list view, you can have different organizations, So, by default, it’s actually going to look like this week. When we design our product, we keep in mind about user experience, on a mobile device. And that’s why sometimes, you may see there are larger gaps, is by following best practices where it may be difficult for you to use finger, on touchscreen, to making selections. If things are too close together.

But, if you’re on a desktop, of course, depending on what device you use to what use Cognos, you can have a short overview of the list which will allow you to see more content in one view.

You can also have compact view, which will give you even more content within the same view, seamless seems screen size.

You can filter down different types if you’re looking to search for certain things, you can sort them by modified date.

You can filter them by a modified date, and that you can sort them.

And We’ve added the ability to refresh, which was not available previously.

You can also, you will also realize that we have added different icons, is brought some colours back for all the different Objects. So, you can see that Data Module has a different colour with the ICAP.

We also automatically sort folders at the top and other objects at the bottom.

This list view is also very, very useful helpful when you’re trying to select multiple objects.

Let’s say you’ll want to select a few, you can use checkboxes and use a Shift key to multi select where you can do a block, editing, move, or copy, or delete. All the actions available that applies to the selected objects are available on this blue bar.

You can also just select a top level and make selection of everything, which was not easily available in the previous versions.

Now, another thing I want you to take a look at, I want to show you, is which this is available in either enlists.

The word tile view, but I just like to flip back and forth, is when you select an object, let’s say a report, you have this detailed paint open on the right-hand side. This, and then that will stay there.

In many cases, you may have reported a dashboard that name very similar, and their names could be very long, except a very last word that’s different.

Sometimes you have to go through quite a few reports dashboard to figure out which is the correct one that you’re trying to open or modify or to run.

Now, with the details pane, which stays on the right-hand side, whenever you make a selection of a different object, it’s going to update based on what object it’s being selected.

And you can see I’m clicking different things here.

It my detail paint stake, but updates, showing me the information that applies to, that object is currently selected.

And when you have an object selected, on the right-hand side, you can access properties. You can perform actions, that’s open, or run it, or edit, or create other things with it.

Or, the actions are also available at the top.

You can perform things from different locations.

And if you’re used to get to the actions or information directly on the object, you can click the three dots still, the overflow menu that’s available on the actual object. And a popup is going to open the menu is going to open.

And you can see with even change the highlight colour, with being careful about using the right colour to present the right information. For example, on delete, highlight, we’re actually going to show you read instead of others.

Because we’re calling out to tension that you’re trying to, you’re going to perform something that may not be undo, you cannot undo that.

Now, let me go ahead and show you the changes made in each component, just a little bit from the UI perspective.

We have moved the application buttons, such as save or edit.

Outside of the application bar, the top portal application bar, into the application itself, the application that frame itself. So, anything that applies to the component that you’re using are now residing within the component. So, here, if you’re looking at edit, button, save, share, maximizing widget connection. These are things that applies to, this dashboard is now, outside of the portal, of the top portal, and now, it’s inside of the dashboard.

We have made updates to the dialogs.

When you select a source or trying to save a dashboard, Now, you can finally filter and sort, helps you to navigate in and locate the right location to save or a dashboard or trying to find a data source add to add to a dashboard.

And, very similarly, if I am creating a report, this is the updated report navigation.

Where you can see the edit, save, these icons now have these icons are moved out of the top application bar, into the reporting interface itself, and, again, very similar to dashboard. The select the source dialog has been updated.

The safe a dialog also has been updated with the new dialog and if I’d add anything, let’s see.

A list. You can see the property’s reporting is updated as well.

Any properties that only has to state, we’re not giving you a drop-down list anymore will automatically change them to a toggle switch. It’s very easy for me to understand which Y has been turned on. Which ones do you disable which was enabled?

Now, I’ve got a report open. I’ve got a dashboard open.

If I want to search for content in a previous version, you will have to go back to the home screen, find that search option.

We brought the search up at the top level and that’s available, doesn’t matter which view where you are within Cognos Analytics. You will always get this search option. Let’s say, I want to search for something. Short customer experience. It’s going to display the search result and present that, to me you full stream, then take me there directly there. This really helps me to understand which object I’m really looking for and where they are. There’s a lot of room for me to look at them.

And there are additional options available. I can save my search result. And all the other two items that were available are still here. You can see there’s actually more room now to display the name of all these objects.

All right, so that was a quick run through, about the newly improved home portal and navigation. I’m going to switch back to my presentation slides and continue with some other exciting enhancements. So, I’ve done this, I want to show you, this is an example of the customized homepage. home screen was the top left. You can see, I’ve made much vacations off the taps and a top welcome banner. And the bottom right, you can see I’m actually using a report as one of the tabs here. Right? It could be fuller, could be a report, could be a dashboard, there are lots of options. It’s very flexible.

I’ve gone through the navigation improvements. Next, I’m going to talk about our mobile app.

This is the new Cognos Analytics mobile app that allows you to access your pinned visualizations. Looking at … receive OS. Native notifications: push directly to your phone, allows you to share from a from a screenshot of a visualization allowed, you to annotate allow you to set threshold of what your notification. This is the new mobile app that we released summer of last year, at the initial release time. It was iOS only and it was only available for Cognos on Cloud.


Released Android support for Cloud in February 2020, so, two months ago. And just last month, we also released a support for …Prime, so, as of March, you will be able to use this new mobile app for kernels on Prime Kono Soundcloud for iOS and Android.

I saw as you are on the Cognos version of 11.1.7 slash F P two or higher?

Well, I guess, there is no higher yet. But, if you want to use the mobile app, install 11.1.7 F P two, you will be able to get the update. You will be able to use the mobile app.

And going forward, the mobile app is built into the 11.2.0 server. You no longer have to make a update to your Cognos server in order for it to work with the mobile app is going to be part of the 11.2.0.

So, I spent some time talking about homepage improvements, UI navigation.

Now, let’s take a look at each component for dashboarding.

We, this release really focused on performance, and this is a continued effort. It’s not just a onetime only improvement for this Phase one. We looked at the initial rendering initial execution of the Dashboard to improve the performance from that perspective.

We looked at many different areas for improvements, including, but not limited to, metadata. We talked about loading the Glass Cold Wizard. To reduce seem Dakota. We have to what load for JavaScript and CSS. And we’ve looked at how to optimize queries behind the scene for you automatically.

how to better leverage and cache, and she said, quick video to show you the difference.

B 2 -11.1.7, which is going to be in the top right small screen, dusty 11.1.7 dashboard and the larger screen is the 11.2.0 dashboard, same exact dashboard.

11.2, it’s already finished rendering, whereas 11.1.7, just starting to load ghost images, delay, I’ll just rendered, but we’re still looking to fill in the widgets.

Now, I’m trying to talk to filling the time, because it’s taking a longer time there. So that’s the performance difference that you just saw. Right?

Of course, depends on higher dashboards are third higher dashboard queries, all third, if Debottleneck is actually your database. But that’s not something the sea has meant is going to help you. And if you have really back querying logic there, this may not, you may not see as much improvements.

But anything around, you know, rendering upfront, you will see, if you’re opening just the same exact dashboard in 11.2.0, you will see quite a bit of improvements. Now, going forward, like I said, this is just face when we did, for this release going forward. We’re going to look at, you know, further enhancement improvements for initial rendering, loading of Dashboard, but also interactivity when you’re making a selection, highlighting things, doing a filtering or sorting, or looking at how to improve the performance for all these as well, going forward.

Uh, the other thing that we brought into, our Add it to dashboard, is two new visualizations. These visualizations, already existing reporting today, but dashboard to do to have them, so we brought Box plot into dashboard as well as radar chart.

Now, for reporting, we’re released the support of baseline for our visualizations, for the 11.1 visualizations in 11.1.7 release.

Back then, we supported categorical index, percentage and numeric values that allows you to use any of these three to alter a baseline.

A lot of cases customers want to, you may want to create your baseline, based on. The condition, were quite complex conditions, bits are different data item, were based on a very complex query logic. You need to use advanced calculations expressions. So, your baseline actually changes, depending on the condition.

And with that, we brought the support of query calculation and layout calculation into the baseline support. So now that you can create your baseline more dynamically, and I will change, it will draw render based on different conditions.

Baseline support is available for all visualizations that has axes without access. It doesn’t really make sense.

They are baselines are rendered for PDF and Excel server-side rendering. That’s all supported.

We’ve also brought, we’ve also updated our support for languages sunk labels, for Maps. So, on the right, sorry, on the left-hand side, that’s the location labels in the English, and on the right-hand side, and that’s location labels. Same location labels in local language on the map.

I’ve talked about this, the application specific Patterns are moved inside of the application, and this is when very little improvement feature, but that goes a long way, could have big impacts for report authors. It’s going to save you a lot of time, is the Run button in the how the Run button, and different format works.

So, in the previous versions, when you’re inside a report, all three interfaces, if you want to run it in PDF, you have to make two clicks every time you have to go select PDF. Whereas, now, which is a stat down arrow, will show you that occurred selected format.

And every time you click on Run, it’s going to run that format that’s currently selected.

So, in this example, if you say, Run Excel from the down arrow, it’s going to run in Excel Next, time, we’ll click run button. It’s going to automatically run Excel. It saves you a lot of clicking, if you are constantly testing different versions, sorry. Different formats of the report, when you’re offering report. Any all know what I’m talking about.

We’ve added two new themes. See reports for Dashboard. Dashboard has themes built into the product. There select theme and dark theme. They were all been updated to the carbon liked and carbon next theme.

For reporting the theme stance through style reference reports, we’ve added, to Sell Referee’s reports, one for carbon X light. Again, this is based on the Carbon Design System from IBM. You can see the border, the background, colour, everything has been the pre styles for you. If you choose the Style Reference Report. It is quite nice and quite sharp.

If you’re thinking about playing around with your report or dashboard authoring each year to try out our new carbon theme and, we have the pilots, everything automatically changed and update it for you as well.

Next, S three, storage. This is around importing SSL certificates and this is a huge usability improvement for cloud customers. You no longer have to go some command line utility and then trying to import … file system of Cognos Servers, which could be very difficult to access. We support as three technology-based cloud storage to import SSL certificates.

Now, you may remember, we actually implemented support for Cloud storage to store report outputs. So, we’re specifying report safe to file system. Now, the modern way people are doing is saving everything to a cloud storage, right? So, you can just to give us your cloud connection information, your cloud storage connector sizes as the base. And then we will be able to save report output. Sarah will be able to import certificates from there as well.

AI Assistant is the feature where allow you to have an that have a conversation with a software using natural language, you can ask questions by typing.

We actually support this on our mobile app, as well, through voice input, or typing on your phone. And the AI system will be able to answer your question by generating a visualization, where you can include on your dashboard, stories, or explore as part of their presentation.

And our forecasting support allows you to predict the next period of data on multiple serious, on both line chart in column, what bar charts. These are two very popular features that were working for traditional data sources only.

We’ve added the support of AI system that forecasting for when you’re using all App …, a data source, so Power Cubes, or it, plenty analytics cubes. You know, when I’m in TM when cubes, when you’re using all these giving technologies as your data source, you’ll be able to use these two new features.

Next, I’m going to introduce our very first Watson moments. Let me explain this. IBM can invest a lot in research. IBM research has done a fantastic job in many, many different areas.

A lot of them are technologies, you know, developed, but not being put into product. So, what we’ve done is we’re looking at all that technology that’s available from IBM, looking at what can we do? What can we leverage to help our Cognos customers?

In this case, we’re using a IBM research NLP engine to improve. So in addition to what we already use, we’re using the IBM Research, an LP engine library, to improve our AI assistant. So when you’re asking a question, we’re trying to understand data, not only we can suggest a visualization, but in some cases, we have, if we have enough information of the data, we can give you deeper, additional insights to explain your question. Explain this answer. In this case, I have additional insights, what’s the insights to help me to explain revenue, to help me to understand revenue further. Right? It’s going to make me more confident with the visualization and building that I’m including as part of my reports or dashboards.

Some people are not so clear about, Oh, is this a different offering? What’s the inside? It’s, Is it its own product? Now, this is something that’s built into Cognos: Leveraging Watson Technology. That’s why we’ve branded Watson Insights, but it’s not its own product. We’re not selling it. We’re not asking more money from you. It is part of our offering with Communists Analytics, no additional configuration or setup it’s part of our AI smart engine that’s part of Cognos. And, like I said, this is our first what’s the moment? Which means, there will be more coming. We’re looking at enhancing Cognos with more Watson Technology: more things that we can get from IBM research into Cognos and you will see more Watson moments in down the line in future releases.

What’s this studio integration?

What’s a studio called us and Wes’s Studio Integration was available on cloud only, and Sudan Integration face one ache.

A Western Studio user can connect to Cognos data, augment Communist data and say that, augment it data directly into Cognos.

And that’s about it with our integration of Jupiter Notebook, which has been out for many releases, users can use notebook, IDEs in Python, or R Connect to communist data, augment data, and then save that augmented data into Cognos.

But on top of that, users, can you include output cells into their reports or dashboard as part of the presentation?

To improve Watson Studio Integration is to add that final phase which is to allow you to have a in output cells from Wes’s Studio as part of Cognos reports. We’re dashboard for presentation and distribution.

And this is available for both Unprime CBD Cartridge as well as our cloud offerings.

Last, but not least, and this is the one that a lot of people may be asking and having a lot of questions or discussions. Every time I present this slide, there’ll be lots of talks.

It’s our conformance update.

We are going to deprecate our support of Internet Explorer 11 with the release of Cognos 11.2.0, You will not be able to access launch Cognos 11.2 and onward if you’re using Microsoft. It’s not just Cognos. That’s going away with, from IE, Microsoft itself has already stopped supporting IE with their Cloud products, Teams, Office 365. These are also stop supporting IE already and going forward there is no plan for Microsoft to further enhance IE. We’ve had lots of challenges with, IE, which is a very old piece of technology. And a lot of customers are still using it, but because Microsoft is going away with it, even there will be no further support for Microsoft site, any limitations and issues with identified with, IE, Microsoft is not being able to provide updates.

Microsoft’s browser direction is Chromium ash. Not even the legacy at Microsoft is going to provide an update or I thought of this month, April, if it hasn’t happened already, they’re going to install Legacy Edge with the new Chromium edge. So, going forward, Microsoft supported Microsoft, Microsoft’s browsers, Chromium Edge.

Starting 11.2.0, we’re not going to support IE 11 anymore, you can continue use IE 11 with COGNOS 11, Cognos Element one version and 11.0 versions, but not 11.2 versions.

For some customers are currently using legacy studios such as queer studios and analysis studios.

You will not be able to use IU with them, but you can still use Firefox with them, where you can still use IE and Firefox with them in a earlier version.

We do not have planned to perform a two will provide conformance update for the Studio’s taping deprecate it for a long time. We’re really, really hoping, and we were willing to help you to move off these two studios and move into the modern studio’s modern components. I feel free to contact us. contact your service provider for help if needed.

Powerplay, stereo currently supports Firefox, and Go Chrome. We’re going to support Chromium edge for Powerplay Studio in 11.2.0.

Another thing that’s not listed here people may ask is, Events Studio Events studio is not deprecated. It’s still support it. We have no plan to deprecate events studio. It is currently supported by IE and Firefox. We’re looking at updating conformance for it to support Chrome.

When I talk about Chrome, I mean Google Chrome and Chromium Edge Bulls.

There are two IE specific features currently, within reporting within the product really is PDF drills. So, PDF drills through is when you’re running a report in PDF format, and you click a link pretty also drills through link within the PDF and have a drill. So, to open another report, whatever format that is, this is currently was only supported in, IE, through the Adobe PDF plugin. You ID.

Now, because we’re moving away from supporting IE, with added the support of PDF drill through in Google Chrome, Chromium Edge, and Firefox, so with this version of …, will be able to use any of these browser’s silicone and supported browsers to use your report PDF drills?

We have developed a, we’ve done work to implementing PDF, using PDF JavaScript Library to to provide support.

Now, the last thing, its active report, active record, I’m H T file is IE only.

What we’re doing now is to implementing a desktop app, which so, which is supported on both Windows and Mac OS, which was not actually working for consuming ….

So, with this app, customers will be able to continue rendering and interact with image T files offline interactively, of course. And this is going to be a free app, no charge of this meant to replace your IE browser for you.

It is, it does not, it’s not part of the 11 to 0 release. It is target to be released a month after 11 to 0 release. We’re going to hosted on our community page, anybody can go and download. It is something it’s just a lightweight app where you have it installed on your desktop, and it could … file. So far, testing, testing is being shown, very promising, results around performance, even when we all know that I was not performing well with some large image files. And this could allow you to open larger … potentially, and see much better rendering and interactivity time.

All right, So that’s my last slide around what’s new for a Cognos 11.2.0. I know, actually, if I didn’t get to introduce my team mate, Tim Aston, spin here, you’re probably already seen his name there. Hopefully he’s been helping me to answer questions, because we anticipated lots of questions, and I couldn’t do all of them.

So, Tim, thank you so much. We work on the same team. He is another product manager. Previously, we called ourselves, offering managers. Now we just changed our title, as, this is IBM saying we’re back on product managers. Stick around and get your questions answered. Tim has been diligently answering those questions.

And the variety of environments that we see here sort of lend credence to the waters get pretty deep pretty quickly when you’re looking to modernize your Cognos environment for a number of factors, not all of which involve Cognos.

So, if you’re trying to develop and adopt self-service analytics in your organization, those are the kinds of things that we can help you with, whether it’s bad performance, tuning, rationalizing all those reports and models.

So, you can adopt data modules in a more efficient and performance environment.

If you’re running Cognos in concert with another BI platform, we’re conversant in the major BI platforms if you’re looking to help right size your Cognos licensing or getting off an older version of Cognos up to the latest and greatest?

So, there’s a link there in the slide or we can help you with that, or, you can always reach out to us via info@Senturus.com And, I’ll give you that information at the end.

Couple of quick slides about us here. The next slide.

At Senturus, we concentrate our expertise on business intelligence, specifically modern BI, with the depth of knowledge across the entire BI stack.

On the next slide, our clients know us for providing clarity from the chaos of complex business requirements, disparate data sources, constantly moving and changing targets, and regulatory environments.

We made a name for ourselves because of our strength at Bridging the Gap between IT and the business side: Deliver solutions that give you access to reliable, straight across the organization, so you can quickly and easily get answers to pass the decision to make, and the actions you pick.

Our consultants are leading experts in the field of analytics. Having years of pragmatic, real-world expertise, and experience in advancing the state-of-the-art.

We’re so confident in our team, and the Senturus’s methodology, that we back our projects with a 100% money back guarantee that is unique in the industry.

Backing that up is a long, strong history of success. We’ve been doing this for quite a while over two decades now.

You can go to the next slide, Rachel, Over 1350 clients, and over 3000 projects.

We work across the spectrum, from Fortune 500 down to the mid markets, solving business problems across just about every industry, and most functional areas, including the office of finance, sales, and marketing, manufacturing, operations, HR, and IT.

We pride ourselves in the fact that our team is both large enough to meet all of your business analytics needs.

It’s small enough to provide personalized attention, if you’re interested in joining us. the next slide. We’re actually hiring right now. There’s a couple of roles you can see there can e-mail us at jobs@senturus.com

or head over to the Senturus’s website there via the link.

We’re always looking for good talent.

Next slide we invite you to again visit the Senturus.com Resources Area is where there’s hundreds of free resources, including webinars such as this one, all the way to our fabulous, up to the minute, easily consumable blogs.

Among those, we have these great events coming up that are pretty much always free here.

So, we’re doing another Cognos webinar in June on how to successfully implement self-service analytics and we’ll be focusing on Cognos Analytics, in that they’re all pretty much on Thursdays. 11am PT and 2pm ET.

We’ll be doing one, on Power Bi Report Builder and paginated reports and we’ll do one on our Analytics Connector, which enables you to connect Power BI and Tableau to your Cognos metadata and reports.

Then, finally, on the training aspects, be remiss if we left that out.

We offer training on Cognos and the three major Platforms we support.

We are ideal for organizations that are running multiples of these platforms or those moving from one to the other.

We provide training, and all the core modalities from instructor led sessions to one to small, small group mentoring, two instructor led online and self-paced e-learning, and we can mix and match that to meet the needs of your organization.

And then, before last slide, before we get to the Q&A, we’ve been provided, we have hundreds of free resources over on our website. You can see the list here, and we’ve been committed to sharing our BI expertise now for over a decade.

If you want to advance to the next slide, we’re at the Q&A here. And I don’t know if you had a chance, Rachel, I know you’re helping me with the slides here.

And I know Tim has been diligently answering questions but he was going to leave the answer blank for the ones that we were going to answer live.

A few questions that people have is about various versions with long term support. So, we’ve got the older, 11.0.13 long term support release, the current 11.1.7 long term support release, and then also people asking what the timeline would be for 11.2.0 entering that status as well.

OK, so the 11.0.13 is going out of support soon. There’s going to be spring this year, sometimes this year soon. 11.1.7 is the current long term support stream for 11.1 release, so if you’re looking at our support life cycle is generally around two years in a little bit.

So, 11.1.7, was released August last year, so if you’re calculating it forward by two years, that’s usually how long we’re going to support it for.

11.2.0 is going to be released, late end of April or early May, which means then we’re going, well, we’re not going to, so this is 11.0 is not the long-term support release, and this is the first release of this 11.2 stream. We’re still on the continuous release model, which means we’re targeting quarter, quarterly release, but it’s not always when released per quarter. It really depends on the type of features that we’re working on and how long that might take to complete. We are expecting more releases this year, for sure.

Continuous release cycle just means we’re not going to get put out fixed packs after 11.1.2. The next one that we’re coming out will still have features and fixed X together, very much like what we’ve been doing for 11.0 stream, and 11.1 stream.


A few questions about the installation, if this is an over-the-top installation, versus a brand-new installation, could people using 11.0 jump straight to 11.2?

You can skip 11.1 stream entirely and upgrade from 11.0 directly to 11.2.

Great, Thank you.

There was reaction to the V 11 deprecation and I think the largest concern there was about the legacy studios.

You did speak to this, but there were quite a lot of questions there.

So, I just want to make sure it’s really clear, maybe we could just restate a bit.

You know, the fact that the studios do continue to be supported and in the browsers that you can use with them.

Yeah, so there are a few legacy studios

that we need to talk about. Query Studio Analysis Studio have been deprecated for a long time, but they continue to be part of the product, because we want it to give customers enough time to move their users and content off.

And I know there are some feature gaps that we had to fill. We’re getting much closer to fill all the gaps. So, this is really a time for customers to take another serious look at moving their users off Query Studio Analysis. I have conversations with customers, different customers, weekly on this topic, so please feel free to reach out if you need help. Or what I would suggest before you reaching out, is to evaluate either dashboard component. We’re recording component that we offer today, and see if there is a studio in modern component, would be suitable for you to move your users off. What you need to consider is how your users either create studio or analysis studio, there’s another call your users are using these students today. We’re kind of tasks, are they performing? And see if they can perform the same task us, achieve the same results in either dashboard or report.

Maybe the user experience would be different, but can they achieve the same results? What are some pain points? A list amount, jot them down, prioritize them.

I would like to gather all this from different customers and identify the common pain points and prioritize them, and perhaps doing feature implementations in the product. So, this is definitely the time to really move off Query Studio.

So, for Powerplay Studio, it is supported software. So, starting 11.2.0, it will work in Firefox, Google, Chrome, and Chromium edge. I think it’s got enough browser conformance. that’s no issue. The other thing would be Events studio events do hasn’t really been updated. We do still want to continue supporting with no plan to deprecate. It to features are important. We’re looking at, technically, what’s the feasibility of supporting it in Chrome, Google, Chrome, and Chromium edge? And then we’re also looking at feasibility of supporting that conformance update into a fixed packing elephant. Windows seven. And that is less likely, but it is something we’re exploring currently.

Great, thanks. And events duty, of course, does also work in Firefox.

Yeah. Well, just make sure people are clear that they have that option as well.

Yes. Some other kind of themes that have been up, I’ll address these actually, there is several questions about any changes in, in mid and manage. Really not a whole lot different there.

The way that you access and manage UI is basically equivalent in 11 to it’s through the hamburger menu instead of through an icon on the left, labelled manage, but it’s otherwise the same, So there’s, there’s not a ton of difference there.

A lot of people were really interested in the customization, so I’ll just maybe elaborate on a couple of points there.

one thing I want to make sure it is clear is that, for those that have done extensions, or other kinds of customizations in 11 1, those will be carried forward. And they will continue to work through. They’re all fully supported.

This is not a brand-new architecture or anything like that. Customizations, everything, new is built on the existing stuff. And your existing customizations will work. You can choose the positioning of customizations that are kind of no longer applicable. So, we will map them to new areas in the UI. So, if you don’t like our choice where we’ve mapped them you can just update your extensions to change those to all work along. With other types of customizations. For example, custom folders, which can be set by rules. That’s a feature and 11 1 that continues to be there, that’ll show up as a tab, on the content pane.

One of the coolest new customization features, I think, is the ability to create those additional tabs on the homepage, which can have two types of content, they can point to folders in your content. So, either just list the contents of a folder and they give you the full content navigation view there, or they can contain arbitrary JavaScript, which allows you to do really anything.

I think in the example, we had a report embedded there. You could other kinds of content, perhaps you could have you have some kind of news feed, the two, you want to embed in there as well.

So, there’s a lot of power that you have with that.

Another also kind of on that topic was about SDK support.

That is also carried forward. Nothing there has been, has been deprecated.

Of course, we did introduce a ton of new APIs last summer, particularly for dashboards still there. But are older APIs are also still fully supported, as well?

This has come up a couple of times about dashboards, sharing dashboards, scheduling, dashboards, you know, buy it in, PDF, read e-mails that, that kind of stuff.

You know, there hasn’t been substantially any change there, but maybe racially, you could just kind of elaborate on the features that we have, their dashboards and sharing.

It hasn’t already been changed. So, currently, we support sharing dashboard via e-mail or Slack integration.

You can select to share the Dashboard view, using a link, or attach an image. When you share it in an e-mail, we’re wearing a Slack integration.

We also have embedded and share links where you can copy and paste outset of Cognos.

Yeah, I know people are fast about scheduling, and these are something that we’re exploring Right now. It’s on the roadmap, but it’s not part of this release.

Great, thank you.

I notice we’re at the top of the hour, I, I think I’ve, uh, covered off the questions I answered.

But it is here. So, yeah, that’s great. Tim, do you give your risk of breaking your keywords probably glowing red. So, yeah, thank you very much for, for handling that. That was excellent. So, if you want to jump over to the last slide in the deck, Rachel.

First of all, I wanna thank you, of course, for doing a great job and providing a lot of valuable information. I know everybody was really excited and has been anxiously awaiting this release.

Thank you, Tim.

For coming in and helping out, and thank you, our audience, for taking some time out of your day to day to join us on this event. If you do have any analytics needs, as I discussed earlier, please feel free to reach out to us at info@senturus.com

in the chat here. Or you still actually use a phone, got a number, there, 888 601 6010. So, thank you very much for your time, and hopefully we’ll see you soon on our next Knowledge Series event.

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