Take Control of Your Cloud

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  5. Take Control of Your Cloud

Are you paying for unused cloud capacity? And dealing with poor performance during peak loads? You are not getting the full benefit of the cloud if you are managing those resources like you do on-prem.

The allure of the cloud is its flexibility. Shouldn’t you be dynamically scaling resources up and down to meet demand?

Watch our on-demand webinar to learn how you can take control of your cloud computing. Improve performance and save up to 30% on cloud costs. We demo Envisor Cloud Control, the only tool on the market that provides real-time, dynamic control of Azure and AWS. From a single dashboard, you can easily monitor and adjust your resources in real time.

Rethink the way you approach cloud resource sizing.


Michael Weinhauer
Senturus, Inc.

In addition to BI consulting, Michael’s team created the Senturus Analytics Connector, which lets Tableau and Power BI use Cognos as a data source. Michael has been designing, delivering and selling analytics solutions for over 27 years. Prior to Senturus, he gained a wealth of hands-on, practical BI and big data experience at Oracle, IBM and SAP.

Keith Knowles
Senturus, Inc.

The business lead for Envisor Cloud Control, Keith has a proven track record in product development. An accomplished sales and marketing leader, he has held various positions with companies of all sizes, including Accenture, DayNine, Prism HR and Hewlett-Packard. During his time at Amdocs and Hewlett-Packard, he drove and managed strategic alliances valued at over $100 million.

Machine transcript

Welcome to the latest installment of the Senturus Knowledge series.

Today we’re going to be discussing how you can take control of your cloud using  Envisor Cloud Control.

Before we get into the core of the presentation, a couple of housekeeping items.

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If we don’t, we generally do at the end of the presentation, And if we’re somehow unable, to answer your question during the presentation, we’ll provide a written response document that we’ll post on Senturus.com, which brings us invariably to. The next question that we get frequently, can I get a copy of today’s presentation? And the answer is absolutely. It is available on Senturus.com.

You can select the Resources tab and then the renamed Knowledge Center, formerly known as the Resource Center.

And while you’re there you can have a little screenshot of our newly revamped website.

So poke around there and make sure you bookmark it, you can alternatively click the link that was just posted in the GoToWebinar control panel.

Our agenda today after some brief introductions, will introduce Envisor Cloud Control.

And then we’ll do a live demo of the product and we’ll follow that up with some brief slides about Senturus for those of you who are unfamiliar with what we do.

And then wrap up with the Q and A. I’m pleased to be joined today by my colleague, Keith Knowles.

He’s the Envisor business lead and has a proven track record in product development.

He’s an accomplished sales and marketing leader, has held various positions with companies of all sizes, including Accenture, Day nine, Prizm, HR and Hewlett Packard.

During his time, at Amdocs and Hewlett Packard, he drove and managed strategic alliances valued at over $100 million.

My name is Michael Weinhauer, I’m a director here at Senturus, and among my various responsibilities, I have the pleasure of hosting our Knowledge Series webinars. And, in this case, I work on the Envisor team as well. And I’ll be handling the demo today.

So, as per usual, we’d like to get our finger on the pulse of our audience, and we have a couple of polls for you.

So, I’ve, I’m going to launch the first poll, and that is, which cloud providers do you currently use?

And you can select all that apply to use: Amazon Web Services, AWS, Azure, Google Cloud, IBM, or other.

So go ahead and get those votes in.

All right, we’ll give people a few more seconds while we wait for them to get their votes.

It looks like people are not ready to participate here, so only about 44%.

Go ahead and get those votes in, and then we’ll wrap this up and show the results back to you.

All right, I’m going to go ahead and share it back.

So, 70, yeah, almost three quarters use Azure, close to half are using AWS as well, and then 14%, other.


Now, the second poll is, how are you scaling your cloud resources today?

And it’s a single choice, so you’re not, you’re using scripting, you’re using native cloud provider tools, or you’re using, quote, unquote, first gen cost management tool, or you’re using some combination of the above.

Go ahead and get those votes in.

OK, we’ll give you a few more seconds.

Go ahead and let us know how you currently scale your cloud resources or manage your cloud resources.

All right, I’m going to go ahead and share that back.

So, most of you are using a combination of the above, not surprising and then the other 25% just using the native cloud provider tools. So, that’s interesting.

Alright. And with that, I’m going to hand the floor over to Mr. Knowles to give you an overview of Envisor.

Thank you, Mike.

It’s interesting data there from the pulse. Be interesting to do that at the end of this, as we have more people attend that are engaged as well. But, anyway, thank you all for joining today. I wanted to kick off with a little bit of background on the cloud, which probably is no surprise to any of you on the participating here. Obviously, cloud spend is accelerating. We all know that we’re moving towards cloud. What surprised me, as I started doing research about, the actual cloud, spend is not necessarily the absolute numbers because they are quite staggering, $482 billion spending on the cloud is the forecast for 2022, but these numbers came from Gardner. In pulling the various reports to compile this Gardner, revise these numbers up three times in the last year itself. And they’ve gone up pretty substantially. So as we start looking at the cloud spend. It’s not just the fact that we’re moving towards the cloud. We’ve been really pushed toward the cloud from a perspective of the pandemic, needing to go remote, a lot of different issues. But it just continues to accelerate. It seems like as people are starting to get a taste of that cloud environment, we’re just really jumping in with both feet.

So, numbers continue to accelerate. But what’s interesting about that is, if we look where we’ve been in the past, and how things have changed, a lot of us are still doing things, in a bit of the old school way, so to speak. So we’ve seen a transition, over the years, this is 25, 30 years of a time horizon on the slide. But If we look at the traditional on-prem servers, which they’re still roughly 20 to 30% of the world is still out there pretty heavily focused on the on-prem type servers. We’ve gotten more out of on-prem by the introduction of virtual machines, and being able to run multiple VMs on a single machine. And then we’ve gone to cloud.

What we consider this data cloud, it gives us this promise of servers on demand and the ability to scale to meet our needs, right? So the dirty little secret here, from the cloud perspective, as they make things very easy to scale up, there’s not a lot of thought about scaling down, or scaling to an appropriate resource level to meet your actual needs. So when we look at the difference between what I consider this cloud 1.1, we’ve moved to the cloud. But we’re still seeing a lot of cases folks at 20 to 30% server utilization, because they’re setting and forgetting so to speak, their cloud environment. Cloud native applications enables us to do what we’re calling Intelligent scaling. So being able to scale your servers automatically or intelligently to meet the needs of your use or your demand patterns. So that promises to bring server utilization up tremendously potentially, upwards of 75%, if not higher. In some cases, especially we start looking at some of more the purpose type.

Server sizing or dynamic scaling, to meet your needs. So, Mike, we move on.

So, again, the old way is really around the static resource sizing that seems to have brought. It’s found its way the old way back in the day, for on prem has found its way to the Cloud one data type of environment.

A little bit, a twist on that, because I can, pick an initial size of a server, do my best guess, at the sizing, I can try it out and add my head space to it, or, and in the server size.

But rarely, do most companies that we’ve talked to, actually make a change, kind of scale things down at, at off hours, or off peak hours. They’re still seeing the 20 to 30% utilization. And if you look at the cloud performance, and when I’m talking about performance, I’m talking about financial performance of Microsoft, Google, and AWS. The last couple of quarters, their cloud spend has just been tremendous and they’re making a ton of money off this dirty little secret that you most people don’t ramped down at night or turn the lights off so to speak. So, the New Way, is this concept of going with intelligent scaling, Scaling resource to match the demand. Also, what we’re talking about, or I’m saying, is this kind of task oriented scaling.

So, being able to take a specific server load, like an ETL type of a load that may take a certain amount of time, and using old-school methodologies, We picked a server size. That was a balance between performance and cost. Whereas now, we can take a look at it a different way, and just figure out, how do we do the work? How do we get that work done in the fastest way possible? So, that really talks about a different way of thinking about how you size servers and make them purposely size for a task. And we’re going to talk more about that when we do the demo here in a little bit.

So, looking at this more in a visual format brings us to this concept of, is, the static sizing most companies are, are setting their systems up with a static size. Demand is variable in most cases. And usually, what happens is we start seeing this type of a pattern that you see on the on the window, and then we, up, to the next server size, to cover those complaints, or the performance issues, when we’re in, above the, the actual service server capacity. So, when folks complain, we adjust our server size.

With Envisor, you can look at things in it from a different perspective, and you can intelligently scale your server sizes, so your resource sizes more accurately match the integral, so to speak. So, you’re more accurately matching your server demand or your server capacity to the actual demand. And what we’re seeing, in this case, in most cases, 30%, if not more, reduction in cost, not to mention the fact that we’re also seeing improved ability to serve, to improve peak capacity. So when you start looking at it from that lens and start thinking about scaling your resources.

And when I say resource, I’m talking about VMs, database servers, different types of cloud resources, you can scale to match demand at a point in time. So it’s pretty provide some pretty interesting things. We also saw other problems when we start thinking about things.

So, one of the key things, in fact, this was the impetus to, for some tourists to start looking into solving this problem was the concept of a surprise bill.

So, somebody, maybe even somebody on this call here today, left a server running, that was set up for a training session. Training session is normally two days.

Server would run 48 hours, typically, maybe little bit longer, with some setup time, whilst we left the server running until it was caught on the bill, which came a month later, and then, the fact that we reviewed the bill a couple weeks after it was already done. We’ve got six weeks of the server running.

We doubled our cloud bill in this case.

How can we stop this? So, we started building this product. We found that there’s a lot of other things that we can do with this as far as looking at, how do we identify over provisioned or under provision resources? How do we manage this and prevent this concept of the surprise bill being able to notify that? We’ve left a server on for too long or that it’s been running for an extended period of time?

Also, when we start really thinking about this concept of tasker purpose oriented server sizing, looking at the work that needs to be done. Again, I’ll use that ETL load is as an example, and we will talk about that more.

But the concept of being able to say, you know what, I’ve got X amount of work to get done, how can I move that or get that work done quicker using the size? We also in and I’m not going to talk much about the, the actual interface here, but Mike will show that in a demo. Is that we will get into the fact that the interface is designed to surface opportunities and help you look at things that present either the highest cost potentially over provision under provisions and help you drill in and very quickly, go ahead and address that with by scaling or intelligently scaling those resources.

So, what makes us different, couple of things. So, many of you selected that you’re using a combination of the above, right? So, potentially, using a cost. first generation cost management application, what I see, some of the key things here is that we look at this and we bring in data on a near real-time basis. So, we’re looking at bringing data and being able to surface issues very quickly. When you start looking at a lot of first generation cost management applications, they make the same claims, that we do, that they can help solve the same problems. But the reality is, they’re typically looking at billing data.

And so they’re doing a review mirror analysis and looking at stale data, trying to make a decision, And then they come back with structural recommendations. So, by structural recommendation, meaning that you have a server that’s too small. You have service to big change it. To size up or size down, versus the intelligence, scaling, or dynamic scaling, that we’re going to show you here in a moment when we get to the actual product demo, And I promise you, it’s right around the corner.

So, that’s a big, big part of what makes us different. The other aspect, when you start looking at cloud provider tools, So, both, you know, Microsoft and Azure both provide some tools to help you do this. There, are difficult and time consuming to use.

If you start needing to start, stop, scale, a group of resources, It becomes very complicated in setting those up. We do this, literally, it can take seconds to set up and configure an event. It takes minutes to deploy our product, It’s very fast, it’s very easy, And, oh, by the way, we go across all your cloud providers. So, we’re multi cloud, multi account. So, we can bring everything into a single pane of glass, look at, And identify your top areas of concern and drill into those, as opposed to you having to go into various accounts, different cloud provider tools, and try to figure that all out.

Moving right along, as far as some of the key features that we have in the product and benefits, right? So, we’ve talked a little bit about this, and you’re going to see it here. In the next slides, this is my last slide. But the concept of being able to manage across these multiple accounts, you’re going to see and gain insights. We do provide recommendations, as I mentioned, the first gen cost management tools do provide the structural recommendations. We provide those as well, but we go well beyond that and helping you gain insights and being able to tailor and scale things dynamically, which is really cool. So you have that ability to schedule and orchestrate actions. From within our application, you never have to leave the Envisor, Cloud Control product to make these changes. We also have some pretty, really powerful visualization tools to see what your schedule is going to look like, and be able to make those, for actual products in your schedule.

Set your schedule, see what it looks like, and then ultimately you’re going to be able to see what the potential savings is from using these tools. So, benefits, everybody wants to save some money, with very little effort.

You can save 30% or more on your cloud costs, and this is very consistent in the industry. And very consistent with back this up, with, with our internal studies, we backed it up with it with a client study, other clients, studies. So it’s very common for folks to see both this, this 30 to 35% increase, or reduction their cloud spend, plus improved performance. So, it’s pretty powerful from that perspective. There’s some software costs that you’ll see reduction in. For instance, we’re talking with a prospect that spending about an hour and a half a day, starting and stopping VMs.

Because there’s no easy way to do that within Azure. We can do that, literally, either on a schedule or on demand, by pushing a single button. And it’ll start as groups of resource up, so it makes it very simple to do. So there’s reduced administration costs, and starting and stopping VMs is not the most gratifying work. So it’s something that we do it on a predictable schedule. Make it very simple to do. We also shrink build Windows and reduce system. Lockup, what do I mean by that is and we will talk more about that with the ETL concept of being able to get an ETL load to happen in a fraction of the time by using the appropriate besides server, and then shutting it down when you’re done. As opposed to using a server that will get the job done. That’s that balance of cost. Again, that’s running 24 by 7.

So we can shrink those build windows and the associated system lock up that maybe have to do with the system, you’re, pulling that data from so we can reduce all those windows and improve his ability.

So, without further ado, I’m going to turn this over to Mike, and he’s going to give you the demo and we’ll go from there. Thank you.

Great, thank you very much, Keith.

I’m just going to jump over to my screen here, and, as Keith mentioned, Envisor, Cloud Control, We provide this.

This is this notion of a single pane of glass through which you can monitor and optimize all of your key cloud resources.

And we marry the cost and the performance data across cloud accounts, and even across cloud providers. So, you can see here this view.

It gives me a temporal view, so I can see how I’m doing yesterday or at any point in time.

And I can see my various AWS and Azure accounts either on the aggregate, or I can drill down into the individual accounts. Now, keep in mind that this is using the native cloud API. So, this is happening, as Keith mentioned in real-time.

Setting it up is really simple. You can literally do it in minutes.

So, you create an Envisor account and then you connect to your cloud accounts.

So, you point it to your Azure or your EC two, and Google Cloud is coming in in a release coming up soon.

It’s as simple as that.

And then you head over to your dashboard, and we automatically use those native cloud APIs to give you insights about your cloud resources, the costs, and the utilization recommendations, and settings.

And from there, you can use Envisor’s, intuitive, interactive capabilities to identify outlier resources based upon things like spend.

Or peak minutes, right?

Peak minutes are, anytime a resource is running at greater than 75% capacity.

Idle minute’s indicate resources that might be over provisioned, or if it’s sitting idle.

So, again, the scenario that Keith talked about were where someone forgot to turn the server off. And that wasn’t me, by the way.

And so, you can find those, those resources, and then you simply drill into those resources where you’re given visibility into the performance and spend of that particular resource.

And then, from there, you’re able to create events that either scale up or scale down the resource, or you can do other things with it.

So, for example, if I want to scale up a resource, I can just create an event by clicking on the chart, or going to the events page and clicking create an event, assign a contact to it, and I pick from one of the available options.

Now, they scale, provides the ability to scale up or scale down, in which case, we pull the available options.

This particular server uses an Azure SQL database. So it’s, provisioned in ETL and so we automatically pull the various options. So you can pick the scale option that you want.

Pick your time zone.

Set the timing on it, whether you want it daily or weekly, pick a day or whatever, and then click create.

So you can scale those things up or down.

The other options are you have the ability to suspend or resume resources, or you can send notification events, or you can create a notification events rather that, for example, the long running alerts.

So that’s, again, the example Keith had mentioned, where someone forgot to turn the server off, and that will send you an alert to help you eliminate those surprise cloud bills, or you can check the status or check the scale of a resource. So it’s extremely simple. And you can do this all without ever having to leave Envisor.

So, I’m going to jump ahead to the point at which we are using an advisor here on this resource. And you can see the events assigned to this resource.

This is the ETL example that we’d like to show.

And by the way, we have a case study of this with a demonstration up on our website.

We’ll give you the link to that in a little while. But what we did was before that resource was actually sorry, I jumped ahead too soon.

The resource was statically allocated at 50 BTUs.

And we ran ETL jobs between about 3 AM and 5 AMs. And then there were a few admin jobs that we ran here. And what would happen is the server sat idle.

Then it would be pegged at 100%, which is hampering performance.

Then it was sitting idle for the rest of the time. So, this is kind of that old-school methodology that we talked about, where you, sort of, size the box.

You just move it to the cloud size of the box, based upon what you think that maximum load is going to be, and then just leave it. You don’t do anything with it.

Then, you can see that the cost here on the aggregate was $2 and 42%.

So, after I created all the events, and I’m going to jump ahead to the present, you can see that we created events that scale up the resource to an S four during the, during the key load times.

And then, we scale them down in the off peak times. And now, what you can see is the ETL job got shortened down to about 30 minutes. And then we could even tighten up that window within which we scaled up the resource and scaled it down.

So, now you can see that the demand placed on the resource queues very closely to what we’ve actually located for that resource. And that our 24 hour cost has gone up by about 70%.

So, the ETL performance went from stars down to 30 minutes and improvement of 75%, and the call went down by about 20%.

And you can see sort of how that works when we have the S zero that we scaled it down to.

Correct it all the way up to an S four versus the S two we were using statically before. So we used a bigger, more expensive resource when we needed it.

But then we ramped it all the way down to an S zero S as a lot of money on it and reducing our cloud spend while giving our analytics users better performance by really tightening up that window.

So, that’s an example of where you identify a resource. Perhaps, using the dashboard, and it’s intuitive interactive capabilities.

Another way to approach things is through the Resources page.

So, if you have a specific resource that you want to target, you can look through, you can go to the Resources page, and then use the really nice search capability or filtering capabilities.

So, if I want to look for my Azure virtual machines.

I can filter that down by cloud account or resource group location or status or visible, and I can get instant visibility into that, so, then I can do things like group it.

So, another example is the scenario we talked about with virtual desktops, that the client was spending hours each day, spinning up and then, you know, de allocating at the end of the at the end of the day for various different time zones. So, we provide the ability for you to create groups right with an advisor. I just select the resources and add them to a group.

Then I can resume or suspend that entire group, or create events against that entire group.

So, I can choose to, again, start up these resources, and then I just do what I was doing normally, right? Maybe they start their work day at 9 AM.

I just set up that event, and I say I want to do that daily and click create.

And then it applies to that entire group, I can add or remove resources from that group.

Change the group’s name. These might, I might have different groups for different time zones and I just picked that from a drop-down.

It’s very, very simple.

So, you can control, you know, hundreds or potentially thousands of resources very quickly and easily through this screen. Now, this is just a demo environment. Certainly, have two resources assigned to that.

So that’s another example.

Now, the last one, I’ll give you an example of two.

And this is a known demand window, where I’m going to look at, sorry, get everything.

And we have a client called Tidy Menu, and they provide QR code based menus, which are indispensable in the last few years with coven, and they have these known demand windows. When people go out to eat, they tend to go out to eat on Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays, right?

So, we knew that there’d be demand for more capacity on Fridays, Friday evenings, Saturday, Saturday evenings and Sunday evenings.

So, they had this known demand window where, they need to scale up and then the rest of the time they want to scale down. So, we have a set of events that scale the scale the resources up on Friday evening at four, scale them down at 11, and then they do the same thing on Saturday and Sunday.

And the nice thing about this is we can also look forward into the future, so I can project out, and I can see, OK, this is what I expect the resource to do on Friday night.

It’s going to be a B, two up until and up until this time, and then the resource is going to change sizing, and I can get a visual as to what that’s going to look like into the future.

Couple other things, the, I mentioned, the insights.

So, you can, again, look at this by your various accounts.

Over time, we, again, use the native cloud APIs to pull in cloud provider recommendations, and we also make recommendations based upon cost and utilization to indicate where you might have, either under provision, use resources that are not performing up to where you could have them, or over provision resources there that are wasting your money.

And then, finally, under the settings, we have this idea of resource monitors.

And the great thing about this is that you are able to assign users to the system to give them visibility or the ability to act on different accounts.

So, for example, Mr. Knowles here is an admin on our system and he’s an owner such that he can create events.

And he can do all the things that, although he has access to the full capabilities of the cloud control platform, but for Tidy Menu, he’s only a viewer. So, he’s only able to see it.

This gives you the ability to provide visibility and, or delegate, the administrative or operational aspects of the, again, intelligence scaling.

So, that is a quick overview of what Enviser Cloud Control does for you.

So the benefits, again, are visibility across cloud accounts across cloud providers, the ability to really analyze and look at those resources based upon the key metrics of performance and cost, and then, in near real-time, then act upon those resources without ever leaving advisor.

So, you improve performance, save money, reduce admin costs, and effort, and have much better visibility into your entire cloud environment.

So, if you want to learn more about Envisor, you can head over to the Cloud Control product page, which can be found on the  senturus.com, our new website.

We also have a case study that we’ve featured here.

Again, that goes over more specifics, the ETL use case that I went through on the webinar here, and we’re putting up more case studies and videos for specific use cases all the time.

And if you’re nodding your head over there, going, yeah, this looks, this looks really great.

We invite you to try it out for free. Again, we can literally get you setup in minutes.

So if you head over to the product page, and click on the trial button, if you pick up the deck off the, website, these links are live. You can register and start the trial. We don’t require a credit card or anything. And you can try it out and see for yourself.

What intelligent scaling and intelligent event management can do for you.

So a quick couple of things about Senturus for those of you who may not be familiar with our organization.

We have some, great resources over in the newly renamed Knowledge Center, it used to be called the Resource Center.

It’s got tons of valuable content addressing a wide variety of business analytics topics, and our website makes it even easier to find what you need now.

We do have an upcoming event, extending Power BI functionality, with R statistical open-source statistical package, You can learn the basics to get started. That’s coming up in a few weeks on Thursday. December 2 at 11 Pacific, 2 PM Eastern.

Head over to our website, too.

Register for that.

At Senturus, we concentrate our expertise solely on business intelligence with a depth of knowledge across the entire BI stack.

And our clients know us for bridging.

Preventing clarity from the chaos of complex business requirements, disparate data sources, constantly moving targets, made a name for ourselves because of our strength at Bridging the gap between IT and business users.

We deliver solutions, like an advisor that gives you access to reliable analysis, ready data across your organization, so you can quickly and easily get answers at the point of impact in the decisions you make and the actions you take.

Our consultants are leading experts in the field of analytics with years of pragmatic, real-world expertise and experience advancing state-of-the-art.

We’re so confident in our team and our methodology that we back our projects with a 100% money back guarantee that is unique in the industry.

And we are in the midst of our annual cyber sale for our awesome BI training. We offer training across the three main platforms.

We support Microsoft Power BI, IBM Cognos and Tableau, and we’re great for organizations who are running, either moving from one of those platforms to the other or running multiples of those.

Our instructors, and our consultants, for that matter, are generally buyer trilingual, in the sense that they know two or more of these platforms, and we deliver all the different modalities, from tailored group sessions to small group mentoring, to instructor led online courses and self paced e-learning.

And we can mix or match those, based upon your organization’s needs.

We’ve been doing this for a long time over 20 years now. Focused exclusively on business intelligence.

You probably recognize a lot of those logos because we work across the spectrum from Fortune 500 down to the mid-market We’ve solved business problems across virtually every vertical in every industry.

And a lot of functional areas, including the office of finance, sales and marketing, manufacturing, operations, HR, and IT, our team is large enough to meet all of your business analytics needs. It’s small enough to provide personalized attention.

Then, finally, we are hiring. So, if you, if you have skills relevant in the areas you can see bulleted out here, you can drill into those job descriptions.

At the link, found their head over the site to our company and look under the careers.

Then, if appropriate, send your resume to jobs at Senturus.com, and with that, we come to the Q and A.

So, if you have questions, please enter them into the questions panel, and we will be sure to answer them.

Mike, I’ve got one here that I’ll go ahead and answer. That’s come in. What resource types do we support with Envisor Cloud Control? And, so, for Azure, we support virtual machines, virtual, desktop SQL, databases, app, services, Power, BI and Synapse analytics. And we do add these on-demand. So, if there’s not something there, we do have those fairly quickly, and for AWS for currently supporting EC two and RDS. And, again, we do have these things as, customers ask for them.

It’s something that the API allows us to access and is something that would benefits from either notifications or suspender Zoom or scaling functionality, which is a lot of them then we can usually strongly consider it.

In terms of what other clouds we support, so you saw that we currently support Azure and AWS, and we’re in the process of implementing Google Cloud.

If you have a particular cloud need, please speak to us.

And here’s another one on pricing. So are our pricing is based on the number of resources that you have. And we start off at a $49 per month and that includes 20 cloud resources. And we charge additional $325 per month per resource. If you have a large environment, we’re happy to provide a quoted price for that. But we do offer as we talked about the free trial, no credit card needed to get started on that.

I can’t guarantee it would be low pressure, But please do try that trial.

All right. Well, we’re not seeing any more questions, so if anybody has any additional questions, please get them in.

Otherwise, you can always reach us at [email protected] and we’re happy to set up a demo or a free consultation. Again, we have some demos up on the website, so go check those out, as case studies are always adding new content to that.

But we definitely encourage you to do that free trial. It’s super easy, and you’ll quickly see the benefits and hard dollars.

So, thank you very much to our presenters today, and for all of you, for taking time out of your busy days to spend some time with us. And we hope to hear from you soon and see you on the next Senturus Knowledge Series event.

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